Autism Statistic

What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disability which causes significant social, communication, and behavioral challenges. Because autism is a spectrum disorder, the combination of symptoms and their level of severity varies from person to person.

TACA: The Autism Community in Action
youtube video: Autism Everyday
Autism Everyday

Fundraising and awareness video produced for Autism Speaks in 2006. A longer version of this film was accepted to the Sundance Film Festival. Eight families, each with an autistic child, permit a camera crew into their houses for 24 hours to immerse us in their lives.

Autism Everyday in 7 Minutes
Estimate Autism Prevalence

CDC estimate on autism prevalence increases by nearly 10 percent, to 1 in 54 children in the U.S. Important progress made in key indicators: For the first time, prevalence rates are the same for black and white children, and significant progress made toward number of children receiving developmental screening by age 3.

Yearly Prevalence
puzzle piece

Disclaimer: The content on this website is solely based on my personal views and opinions!